Saturday, October 19, 2019

Management Skills Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Management Skills - Case Study Example I am a company man and have been inspired by our company's long history of success and our stellar reputation. However, this has never proven very effective in my dealing with Eddie. I have made a plan to appeal to Eddie's confidence, materialism, and sense of independence. Eddie is motivated by material gain, but it is currently tied to his individual performance. Using task theory, I plan to tie Eddie's pay to organizational level criteria, such as company revenue and business growth (Miner, 1993, p. 27). This will be accompanied by the new title of 'Revenue Coordinator'. This will instill a new sense of importance in Eddie, and he will begin to use his team to accomplish company goals, rather than simply meeting departmental quotas. Eddie's team has complained that he is micro-managing them and they are resentful. I point out to Eddie that he is a top performer and that the other team members are somewhat jealous and intimidated by him, and they dislike him telling them 'how to do their job'. I suggest to Eddie that he create a system of recognition to honor the team member that most excels on a weekly and monthly basis. The reward will be in the form of a prize or merchandise that the winner can select.

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